Council Meetings

Town of Georgina Council meets throughout the year to make decisions on municipal matters, from passing bylaws to adopting committee recommendations.

Town of Georgina Council meetings will are in person. The meetings are flexible hybrid model, providing staff, Council members and the public the option of participating either in person or virtually.

Council Meetings

Council meetings are open to the public. Public participation by phone is available. A pre-registration form is required to be submitted to the Clerks Division by noon the day before the meeting. The form can be found below. Should you be unable to attend the meetings, you are welcome to listen through the Live/Archived Broadcasts webpage.

Speak at Council or committee meetings

If you wish to speak at Council or Committee meetings, you must first complete one of the following forms depending on what you would like to do:

Public consultation

Public consultation is an important part of the Council and committee process. Residents are able to participate in meetings by:

  • Submitting written comments for review by Council.
  • Pre-registering to speak at an electronic Council meeting.

Written comments and Request to Speak Forms for electronic meetings must be received by noon on the last business day prior to the meeting. Delegation Request Forms for electronic meetings must be received no later than 10: a.m. on the Monday 10 days prior to the Wednesday meeting to pre-register.

The comments must:

  • Relate to a matter on the agenda
  • Clearly state the request being conveyed
  • Include name and contact information

Response will be provided outside the meeting process to comments received relating to other matters. Be advised, the name and address of anyone submitting comments will appear in the public record and will be posted online following the meeting.

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100 sends email)

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.