Check out the Spring Activity Guide to discover the perfect program for you and your family!

Ready for spring fun, check our fantastic lineup of recreation programs. Enjoy a wide range of activities, from swimming and sports to cooking or fitness classes. 

3 adult females sitting on floor with yoga equipment purple bar at the bottom with the text Drop in programs
Child holding arrows with green bar with text Registered activities

groups of families in helmets and safety gear skating in an indoor rink with blue bar and text arenas

child sitting on edge of pool and instructor in the water with green bottom bar and text inclusion and support

three children on scooters of concrete skate park with green bar at the bottom with text Camps

adult holding child in water and children playing in water behind them with purple bottom bar with text pools

4 older adults playing mahjong around a table with aqua bar and text Club 55

5 boys playing ball in a pool with a lifeguard watching with green bottom bar with text Rec Pass

Small child coming out of a colourful fabric tube orange bottom bar with text Gymnasiums

Child holding belay rope in a helmet with a ropes course behind him bottom blue bar with text ROC

There is something for all ages and abilities. Register online or on the phone, or see the locations where you can register in person. If you have any questions, reach out by email at .

Don’t have an account? Sign up for one today and take advantage of all the great programs and activities.

We’re looking for program instructors! 

Do you have a passion for arts, fitness, cooking, sports, or something unique? Share your skills with our community by leading exciting programs in Sutton, Pefferlaw, and surrounding areas!
How to Apply:
Email or call 905-476-4301, ext. 2334
Include in your email: Description of the activity, target age group, class size, preferred location.
Help bring creativity, fun, and connection to our community. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Discover all the amazing opportunities the Recreation Division offers! Explore bookings and rentals for your next event, check out exciting town and community events and take advantage of top-notch recreation facilities. There is something for everyone!

Sign up for the Community Services newsletter. 
Your source for the latest recreation information on activities, programs and events.

Related resources

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.