Joint Compliance Audit Committee

Municipalities in York Region established a Joint Compliance Audit Committee (Committee) under Subsection 81.1 (2) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The Committee is charged with the following duties:

  • Within 30 days of receipt of an application requesting a compliance audit, the Committee shall consider the compliance audit application and decide whether it should be granted or rejected;
  • If the application is granted, the Committee shall appoint an auditor to conduct a compliance audit of the candidate's election campaign finances;
  • The Committee will review the auditor's report within 10 days of receipt and shall decide whether legal proceedings should be commenced; and
  • If the auditor's report indicates that there were no apparent contraventions and if there appears there were no reasonable grounds for the application, the Committee shall advise Council accordingly.

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.