Procurement Services
Learn more about the town’s procurement process and buying regulations.
View contracts currently open for bidding on the Bids and Tenders website. You can also find out more information on how to create a free online account.
Purchasing Policy (2024-0004 (PUR-1))
The Corporation of the Town of Georgina follows strict bylaws, procedures and regulations for the acquisition of goods and services. The Procurement Policy prescribes the acquisition guidelines for all goods and services. Council must approve any exceptions from the guidelines stated in the policy. The Town's Procurement Policy, Standard Terms and Conditions, Definitions and Supplier Code of Conduct from a part of each bid document and apply in like force to contracts or purchase orders for the acquisition of all deliverables required by the Town. All offers submitted to the Town will bind respondents to these terms and conditions set forth therein, except as otherwise stated in the bid document.
Code of Ethics
Procurement Services follow the Code of Ethics as outlined by the Ontario Public Buyer’s Association (OPBA)
Cooperative procurement
We are a member of, and eligible to participate in procurements administered by the following cooperative procurement groups:
Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace (OECM)
Canoe Procurement Group of Canada
Surplus assets
Surplus assets
All assets that have outlived their useful purpose are disposed of through public entities such as North Toronto Auction and

Information for successful vendors
Payment information
Payment Information: We strive to pay bills in a timely manner using electronic funds transfer (EFT). Upon award of a contract, you should complete and submit the following EFT Enrollment Form along with a void cheque or bank letter to
Invoices should be submitted promptly to as well as the person who ordered the goods/services.