Building Georgina

Building Georgina

Welcome to Building Georgina. A page dedicated to highlighting projects in each corner of our community. From downtown parkettes and road construction to recreation amenities and major capital builds, you can find projects the Town has planned, or is working on, on this page. You can also find out about water and wastewater projects.

See each project for related reports, timelines as well as some commonly asked questions. Public engagement is an important part of the process, so check back often for updates including how you can be involved.

Check out our construction map to see what projects are upcoming.

Replacement Civic Centre

Civic Centre building with 3 flags

Learn more about the Replacement Civic Centre that is being built.

Parks and facilities

The Town manages many parks and facilities where updates and improvements are regularly being made. This includes new playground equipment and new outdoor recreation amenities, as well as changes or upgrades for any facility. 

Park Improvements

generic playground equipment

Georgina has several improvements planned for our parks and playgrounds. Learn more at Parks and trails.

Waterfront Parks Master Plan

Waterfront Park with trees and a picnic table

Learn more about the Waterfront Parks Master Plan to create a vision and framework for the operation of Georgina’s waterfront parks. 

Pefferlaw Outdoor Recreation Amenities Improvement

Concrete skate park under construction

Learn more about the new outdoor amenities coming soon to Pefferlaw

Road projects

Road construction projects include projects related to roads and related infrastructure. This includes improvements to sidewalks, streetlights, ditches and culverts, bridges and roads.

Road Construction

Person with stop sign and road work construction signs

Learn more about the road work that is being done around Georgina

Udora Gravel roads

Dirt road in the country

Learn more about the work being done to bring the Udora subdivision roads to an acceptable standard.

Lake Drive Functional Assessment

Person sitting on a bench at the edge of the lake on Lake Drive

Find out more about the Lake Drive Functional Assessment.

Pefferlaw Dam

Dam with trees and lake

Find out about the Pefferlaw Dam and the work to protect this Town feature.

Old Shiloh Bridge Environmental Assessment

Bridge over a waterway in winter

Learn more about the Environmental Assesment the Town is undertaking for the Old Shiloh Bridge.

Water and wastewater projects

The Town of Georgina manages the operation, maintenance and repair of the Keswick and Sutton Water Distribution System and Wastewater Collection System. This includes water mains, valves, hydrants, water and wastewater pumping stations and lateral connections. These systems service the residents and businesses within Georgina. The water, wastewater and stormwater projects include the improvement and maintenance of these systems.

Water, wastewater and stormwater

Public water taps

water tap

Learn more about the plans for the public water taps in Georgina.

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.