Speed Hump Pilot Program


The Town of Georgina is launching a Speed Hump Pilot Program in select trial locations. These locations have been determined to be areas where additional traffic calming measures are warranted. Speed humps are a new physical traffic calming measure in Georgina and will require motorists to alter their behaviour. The Town will be conducting before and after speed and volume studies to analyze the effectiveness of the program as well as ideal locations.


Side by side of crews installing the speed bump and the finished speed bump

Public engagement 

Town contact

Adam LaCroix
Project Manager, Capital Delivery


Check back to access the upcoming survey to provide your feedback.



Speed hump Installation dates are currently targeted for the week of July 17, 2023, with the ‘after’ studies being conducted into August 2023.

Council reports

July 12, 2023 - Council report

Frequently asked questions

Where will the speed humps be installed?

  1. Riveredge Drive Ward 2 73m east of trail (#48 Riveredge Drive)
  2. Riveredge Drive Ward 2 90m west of east trail (#72 Riveredge Drive)
  3. Riveredge Drive Ward 2 3m east of west trail (#129 Riveredge Drive)
  4. Lake Drive East (west of De La Salle) Ward 4 50m west of Salvation Army Rd
  5. Lake Drive East (west of De La Salle) Ward 4 42m east of Franklin Beach Rd (#743 Lake Drive E)
  6. Lake Drive East (Willow Beach) Ward 3 70m west of McNeil Rd (Willow Beach)
  7. Lake Drive East (Willow Beach) Ward 3 80m east of McNeil Rd (Willow Beach)

How do I request a speed hump on my street?

Speed humps are currently a trial program only. However, members of the public can submit a request for traffic calming through Service Georgina. Town staff will deploy a traffic counter and/or implement traffic calming measures in accordance with Town Policy RD-18.

What is the timing for speed hump installs/ construction activities?

Speed humps have a relatively quick installation once the contractor mobilizes, and each hump should not take more than a few days once crews are on site.

What if I do not want a speed hump in front of my house?

Speed hump locations and placement are subject to thorough field evaluation where staff consider a series of installation criteria, including speed hump spacing, proximity to driveways, proximity to intersections, posted speed limit, road geometry (curves, sight lines and hills) and existing infrastructure (manholes, hydrants, and culverts).  If you have concerns about this matter, please contact the Town’s Project Manager to express your concerns and discuss the matter further.

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.