Georgina Council and CAO statement addressing online bullying incidents of Town staff

“Recently, there have been some disturbing narratives and comments on social media attacking Town of Georgina staff. We are concerned about the tone and interactions taking place where it seems respect and kindness have been forgotten. Together, we are asking our community to please be respectful of Town staff working diligently in support of our municipality – in both your in-person and online interactions. This is also outlined in the Town’s Respectful Workplace Policy which we take very seriously.

The pandemic brought many changes. One of them that we have witnessed is the increase in negative interactions and bullying on social media. Platforms, that when initially launched, were places to share photos and experiences, have since been exploited by some for harm and to hurt.

We can do better as a community. We need to build partnerships and support each other as our Town continues to grow and move forward. Online bullying in any form is not okay. It will not be tolerated and we are asking you to take a stand as well. You may have not engaged in harmful attacks, but many of you have likely witnessed them. We ask that when you do see bullying occurring in any form, to anyone, to step up. Complacency is enabling. Ask yourself if this is something that you would want done to you? We recognize that saying something can be intimidating as it could pose a risk of you then becoming the target.  Thank you to those that have stepped up, it often initiates a change in the tone of the conversation.

Social media can be a great tool to get information out. The positive interactions far outweigh the bad, and it is okay to not agree – as a municipality we expect that and encourage respectful dialogue. This said, if there is information that you are seeking or feedback you’d like to share regarding a Town program or service, we encourage you to please contact us via our formal channels, either at or by calling us at 905-476-4301. We are happy to assist however we can.

Whether you enter a Town facility to conduct business or are engaging with staff on the phone, email or online, you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Our team deserves the same, as does everyone in our community, whether you work at the local coffee shop, grocery store or school.

Town staff remain committed to delivering the many day-to-day services our residents depend on and are working on a number of exciting projects in what we consider to be the most desired community in York Region. We all deeply care about our community – staff members, elected officials and residents – and only through mutual respect and kindness can we continue to advance the important work that makes Georgina a wonderful place to call home.”

Margaret Quirk, Mayor                                                             Dave Neeson, Ward 3 Councillor

Naomi Davison, Regional Councillor                                       Dale Genge, Ward 4 Councillor

Charlene Biggerstaff, Ward 1 Councillor                                 Lee Dale, Ward 5 Councillor

Dan Fellini, Ward 2 Councillor                                                 Ryan Cronsberry, CAO


Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.