Georgina Fire and Rescue Services receives funding for public education trailer

Fire & Rescue Services public education trailer

Georgina Fire and Rescue Services (GFRS) has received grant funding to purchase a public education trailer from Trillium Mutual Insurance Company – ROOTS Community Fund. This trailer will provide the public education members with the ability to transport materials safely to their presentations and community events.

“Working within the community to provide fire and life safety messaging to our residents is key,” said Georgina Fire Chief Ron Jenkins. “Educating residents on their top fire risks and other life safety risks requires different teaching tools and other useful educational materials. The trailer will provide more space to carry these larger pieces and will make teaching scenarios more realistic.”

“Our ROOTS Community Fund is pleased to help Georgina Fire and Rescue Services deliver in-person education throughout the community with this purchase. Fires can quickly spread and grow out of control.  Having the knowledge to make quick decisions and evacuate safely can help keep everyone safe. This tool will assist in educating participants on a number of topics including fire safety, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and planning an escape. Small steps can make a huge difference in an emergency situation and we thank Georgina Fire and Rescue Services for their continued commitment to public education.” – Tracy MacDonald, President and CEO, Trillium Mutual Insurance Company.

Trillium Mutual Insurance Company was established in 2004. The Trillium ROOTS Community Support Fund is committed to the sustainability of rural Ontario and provides support programs that foster their success.

To learn more about Georgina Fire and Rescue Services, visit

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.