Keswick Business Park plans move forward

The Panattoni Development Company, which owns the Keswick Business Park lands on Woodbine Avenue north of Glenwoods Avenue, has received Council approval to start working on the site in preparation for its first building.

A report at the April 13 Council meeting received approval for revisions by the Panattoni Development Company to a 2016 draft approved plan of subdivision in the Keswick Business Park. The revisions would change the road pattern, lotting and servicing scheme for the site to allow for larger format industrial warehouse uses. The proposed development would take place within the original area of the approved subdivision and under the existing zoning. The revised conditions of approval adjust for the new format of the development and maintain measures to protect the health of the Maskinonge River and guaranteed long-term public access.

The first phase of the proposed development includes a warehouse building of 34,324 sq. m (369,461 sq. ft.) in the northwest portion of the site. Construction of the building is expected to start in the fall of 2022.

Panattoni Development Company is an industry-leading, commercial real estate development company with more than 25 offices in Canada, the United States and Europe.

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Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
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