Statement from Mayor Margaret Quirk in response to Province’s Maple Lake Estates decision

Statement from Mayor Margaret Quirk in response to Province’s Maple Lake Estates decision

There is reason to celebrate in Georgina today. It is a day that I have dreamed of, and am so happy that it is finally here.

Following decades of navigating the many twists and turns surrounding Maple Lake Estates, today the Province has announced its plan to provide the 360 hectares of developable land to the stewardship of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. This land will now be protected from development. 

Throughout this process Council and staff have remained committed to protecting this significant forest and wetland. This development has come before many Council’s, with a complex history of municipal, regional and provincial planning approvals dating back over thirty years.

At times our paths may have been a little different, in terms of how we would reach this point, but we all had the same goal of protecting these environmentally significant lands.

Georgina is a community that loves and appreciates its outdoor green spaces. While we plan for future growth we also need to balance that with protecting the environment. Today, we have received a special gift that we can give to future generations.

It’s been a long fight, and one worth fighting for. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the North Gwillimbury Forest Alliance who has also been a tireless advocate in protecting this land.

Today’s decision is the result of hard work by many. Thank you.” Mayor Margaret Quirk

Read the provincial release.

See the dedicated Maple Lake Estates webpage for more info.

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