Town of Georgina releases 2023 draft budget

Today, Council received the 2023 draft budget, which proposes a 4.99 per cent tax increase, with an option to provide an additional two per cent infrastructure levy, for a total increase of 6.99 per cent. The two per cent infrastructure investment to capital reserves is to address the funding shortfalls identified in the Core Asset Management Plan and Building Condition Assessments.

Georgina’s changing environment continues to present many budgetary and financial challenges into 2023. The Town’s 2023 budget reflects a rise in costs and a responsible approach to managing those increases while focusing our resources to continue to build a strong community. The budget was constructed with a clear focus on improving service delivery, managing growth, and delivering services more effectively and efficiently.

The 2023 draft budget includes –

  • $4 million on pavement management
  • $2.5 million on the Emerald Ash Borer Tree Removal Program
  • $2.4 million on the Fleet Replacement Program
  • $1.2 million towards the Building Condition Assessment (BCA) program
  • $563,000 towards additional resources for corporate IT projects
  • $500,000 for a development tracking solution to meet the requirements of all land development applications, approvals, permitting and inspections

The draft budget includes feedback from 284 residents who participated in the Your Budget, Your Say survey online and in hard copy. Residents are encouraged to stay engaged with the budget process by reviewing the draft document and providing comment. Feedback may be submitted to your Council Member or by email to

The 2023 draft budget is available online at Council will deliberate the draft budget on Jan. 24 and 25, 2023. Final approval is scheduled for Jan. 25, 2023.

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Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

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