Business Foundations 2024: Business Financial Fundamentals

Event date -

hands holding a paper with graphs with the words Business FInancial Fundamentals Tuesday, July 30, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Business Foundations

Business Financial Fundamentals

Are you looking to launch a new business or take the next step financially with your current business?

 We will give you the key systems and processes to implement into your business to ensure you are building a strong financial foundation.  Learn the tools that can be used to track your business revenue and expenses and build your financial reports for key stakeholders. 

In this workshop, you will also learn the basic terminology and meaning of financial statements and what you need to watch out for as a founder or CEO.

This workshop aims to cover the following items:

  • Proper cash flow management practices
  • What are some tools and software you can use?
  • Basic balance sheet and terminology intro
  • Whether you are looking to grow exponentially or you are starting a new business from scratch, Business Financial Fundamentals is what you need to take the next step.

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Contact info

Name Negin Khorasani
Phone 9059558295