How to book a facility
To view available ice times, kindly visit our Facility Availabilities website, or contact Service Georgina by email at info@georgina.caor at 905-476-4301 Ext. 3001. Payment may be made online or over the phone with your VISA/Mastercard.
Fall/Winter Ice Rates
2024 Fall/Winter Ice Rates
Youth Prime
$167.64 / hour + HST
Adult Prime
$261.28/ hour + HST
Late Non-Prime
11 PM and later
$164.89 / hour + HST
7 a.m. to 4 p.m., or
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
$140.89 / hour + HST
Summer Ice Rates
2024 Summer Ice Rates
Youth Prime
$192.77 / hour + HST
Adult Prime
$261.28 / hour + HST
Floor Rates
2024 Floor Rates
General Rental
$52.25 / hour + HST
Non-profit Event
$1,028.18 / day + HST
For-profit rental/Sales
$128.07 / hour + HST
For-profit Event
$1,280.72 / day + HST
Conditions, policies, and additional information
- Hourly rates include 50 minutes of ice time with a 10-minute cleaning.
- Ice Allocation Policy
- Payment for ice bookings must be made at the time of booking either in person with cash, cheque or debit or over the phone with VISA or Mastercard.
- All available ice is on a first-come, first-served basis. The Community Services Department maintains an email distribution list for available ice times, please contact the department to be added to this list.
Visit the Facility Booking Availability website, or contact the Community Services Department by email at or at 905-476-4301 to book.