Get your marriage licence
To get married in Ontario, a marriage licence is required. The Town of Georgina’s Clerk’s Division issues marriage licences in accordance with provincial requirements. Licences are valid for 90 days from the date of issue.
The Town of Georgina has the lowest marriage licence fee in the GTHA, at only $100.
How to apply
You can apply for your Marriage Licence online or in person.
To apply online, visit the Online Application Portal.
Apply online
To apply in person, visit the Clerk's Division at 26557 Civic Centre Rd., Keswick, ON, L4P 3G1, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
How to make payment
We make It easy!
No matter how you choose to apply for your marriage licence, whether it is online or in person, we offer several convenient ways to make payment.
Credit card online
After successfully completing your online marriage application, you can choose to pay online via credit card through our partnership with Stripe, a third-party service provider. There is a service fee which must be paid by the applicant at the time of the transaction.
Pay in person
When you come to pick up your marriage licence at the Town of Georgina Civic Centre, you can choose to pay in person at that time. You can pay at Service Georgina by credit card, debit, cash or cheque. Should you choose to pay by cheque when you come to pick up your marriage licence, please make the cheque payable to, "the Corporation of the Town of Georgina."
Application process
Marriage Licence Online Application Process
- Apply for your marriage licence through our Online Application Portal.
- Complete all of your information and click "mark as complete" followed by "review". You will receive a draft shortly thereafter where you have the opportunity to make any corrections required.
- Once everything looks perfect, click "submit", where it will be sent off to the Town's Licensing Coordinator for review.
- You will receive an email within three business days, notifying you that it is time to make payment. Select which method of payment best suits your needs.
- Once your method of payment has been selected, your marriage licence will be created and it will be ready for pick-up at the Town of Georgina Civic Centre, after three business days.
- Arrive at the Town of Georgina Civic Centre, located at 26557 Civic Centre Rd., Keswick, ON between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and pick up your marriage licence.
Two valid pieces of government issued I.D. in their original form (or certified copies), must be presented for each of the applicants. For more information regarding rules, regulations and acceptable identification, see the section entitled, "Required Identification" below.
If either applicant's marital status is, "divorced", see the section below entitled, "Divorced?" for detailed information regarding the requirements in order to have your marriage licence issued.
For assistance, call the Town's Licensing Coordinator at 905-476-4301, ext. 2248.
Marriage Licence In-person Application Process
You can apply for your marriage licence any time at the Town of Georgina Civic Centre, located at 26557 Civic Centre Rd., Keswick, ON between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
To apply in-person, both the applicant and joint applicant must be present.
Applicants must each have two valid pieces of government issued I.D. in their original form (or certified copies). For more information regarding rules, regulations and acceptable identification, see the section entitled, "Required Identification" below.
If either Applicant's current marital status is, "divorced", see the section below entitled, "Divorced?" regarding the requirements which must be met in order to have your marriage licence issued.
For assistance, call the Town's Licensing Coordinator at 905-476-4301, ext. 2248.
Informal, Religious or Symbolic Ceremonies
The Marriage Act, contains subsection 31, “Marriages Solemnized in Good Faith”. This portion of the Marriage Act explains that the Town of Georgina cannot issue a Marriage Licence or perform a marriage ceremony, after another ceremony has taken place. This includes an informal, spiritual, or symbolic ceremony (e.g. destination wedding, or a ceremony performed by an unregistered officiant). This is not applicable to previous marriages that have ended through divorce, annulment or death.
If a ceremony has previously taken place, the couple will need to seek legal advice from a family lawyer. The family lawyer can assist with getting the marriage ceremony previously held, validated through the courts.
If either applicant does not understand, read or speak English, it is the responsibility of the applicants to provide their own interpreter. The interpreter must provide identification at the time of application submission. The interpreter shall not be a witness.
Age restrictions
If either applicant is under the age of 18 but over 16, parental consent is required.
Licence expiry
A marriage licence issued in Ontario, is valid for use anywhere in Ontario, for a period of 90 days from the date of issue.
Required identification
In order for the Town of Georgina to issue your marriage licence, you must be able to provide the marriage licence issuer with the required identification.
Each applicant must be able to provide two valid pieces of government-issued I.D. in their original form (or certified copies), at the time of marriage licence issuing.
- This means that four pieces of identification are required for a marriage licence to be issued.
- At least one piece of identification for each applicant must be photo identification.
- All identification must be legible and understandable by the licence issuer.
- Identification must be valid and original, or be a certified copy (we will not accept photocopies, scanned images or pictures on electronic devices).
- Identification must provide your legal name and date of birth.
- Your first and last names must match on the two pieces of ID that are presented.
- ID on the below list can be from any country, as long as it is government issued.
- If the ID is not in English, a written translation from a certified translator is required.
- Expired identification will not be accepted
It is important to note that both applicants are not required to be present for the marriage licence to be issued. However, should only one party attend, in addition to themselves, they must provide two valid pieces of government-issued I.D. in their original form (or certified copies) for the applicant not in attendance.
Acceptable identification are as follows:
- Birth certificate
- Passport
- Driver’s licence
- Ontario photo card (Purple photo ID card)
- Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Canadian Citizenship Card)
- Canadian Government Refugee Travel Document (IMM 1434)
- Acknowledgment of Intent to Claim Refugee Status (IMM 7703) with photo
- Report pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IMM 1442) with a photo
- Conditional Release Identification Card
- United States Green Card
- Native Status Card
- Record of Immigration Landing (Form IMM 1000)
- Confirmation of Permanent Residency (IMM 5292)
- Student Authorization/Study Permit (Form 1442)
- Visitor Record (Form 1442)
- Temporary Resident’s Permit (IMM 1442) – formerly Minister’s
- Permanent Residency Card
- Citizenship Card
- Identity Card
- Nexus Card
- Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC)
- Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL)
Note: A provincially issued health card is not an acceptable form of Identification.
If you have any questions regarding the identification process or inquiries about acceptable identification, call the Town's Licensing Coordinator at 905-476-4301, ext. 2248.
Wedding ceremonies and officiant services
The Town of Georgina has several registered officiants available to perform your wedding ceremony.
To book an onsite or offsite wedding ceremony and officiant service, visit the Marriage Ceremonies webpage.
Town of Georgina ceremony venues
The Town of Georgina has many beautiful locations available for your big day:
- Belhaven Hall (91)
- De La Salle Chapel (165)
- Georgina Ice Palace Hall (250)
- The ROC Chalet (130)
- Egypt Community Hall (166)
- Pefferlaw Lions Community Hall (300/75)
- Port Bolster Community Hall (90)
- Georgina Sutton Arena Hall (250)
- Kin Community Hall (250)
- Udora Community Hall (182/101)
Note: () indicates the capacity limit.
Historical Pioneer Village
Are you interested in having your wedding in a historic setting?
Georgina Pioneer Village is a unique venue for weddings and photo opportunities. The 1889 Free Methodist Church can accommodate 60 people and 150-200 at the Jackson’s Point Bandstand and surrounding park.
For additional information about hosting a wedding in a historic setting, visit Georgina Pioneer Village and Archives webpage.
Marriage certificate
If you wish to obtain a marriage certificate, you will need to complete a Request for a Marriage Certificate Form approximately 12 weeks after your wedding. Complete the form in its entirety and mail it to the Office of the Registrar General.
Alternatively, you can complete this process through Service Ontario's Online Certificate Application and pay the required fee, submitting it directly to the Office of the Registrar General.
Contact the Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461-2156 if you have further questions concerning marriage certificates.
Canadian Divorces
If either applicant was previously married and the marriage was dissolved or annulled within Canada, the original or court-certified copy of the Decree Absolute or Certificate of Divorce, must be presented in order for your Marriage Licence to be issued.
A Divorce Judgment or Divorce Order issued by the court is not acceptable.
Certified copies may be obtained from the court which granted the divorce.
Photocopies will not be accepted.
Foreign divorces
If a divorce was granted for either Applicant outside of Canada, you must complete a Foreign Divorce Kit. This process may take up to four weeks.
- Foreign Divorce Kit
- Ministry of Government Services - Marriage Licence Application
- Ministry of Government Services - Statement of Sole Responsibility
You must present the Foreign Divorce Kit at the time in which you make your Marriage Application.
Additional information
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding marriage licences, marriage ceremonies or for general inquiries regarding the marriage process, call the Town's Licensing Coordinator at 905-476-4301, ext. 2248.