The Town of Georgina has a bag tag program for waste and recycling. Get details on what goes where in the Waste Management Guide from York Region.

2025 Waste and Recycling Calendar

The 2025 one-page double-sided waste and recycling calendar was sent to residents. The calendar can also be downloaded, saved and printed.

For anyone preferring the larger format, the full-colour printed 28-page booklet-style calendar is also available. Limited quantities of this calendar are available for pickup at the Civic Centre, the Link, the Stephen Leacock Theatre of Performing Arts and all branches of Georgina Public Library. It can also be downloaded, saved and printed. 

Beginning Dec. 31, 2025, the Town of Georgina will transition its blue box recycling program to an organization called Circular Materials. This change will streamline the recycling of products and packaging throughout Ontario, representing all producers involved. Visit the webpage to learn more.

Battery recycling

Georgina Fire and Rescue Services have partnered with Call2Recycle – Battery Recycling – to provide an opportunity for the community to safely drop off used, undamaged batteries.  Damaged batteries are to be dropped off at the Waste Transfer Station.  Used batteries can be dropped off at the Keswick fire station between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Find other drop-off locations.

Collection schedule

Learn more about collection guidelines about correct disposal of waste items.

Watch for specific dates on the website, local newspaper and social media or download the free Recycle Coach on your mobile phone or tablet and get all your waste and recycling information right at your fingertips.

  • Green bins are collected every week. There is no limit to the number of green bins that can be put out for collection.

What goes in the Green Bin

Green bin tip: Lining your green bin with compostable bags is no longer mandatory but is the preferred option. Please refrain from using plastic bags to ensure collection.

Food and food scraps

If you can eat it, it goes in the green bin, as well as fish/meat bones, shells, fat, grease and lard (solidified), small amounts of cooking oil (can be placed in milk cartons), baking supplies, dairy products, egg shells, coffee filters/grounds and tea bags, corn cobs/husks, and nuts/shells.

Soiled or shredded paper

Shredded paper may be placed in the green bin in small amounts. Other paper products that go in the green bin include; butcher and cheese paper (no waxed or plastic liner), microwave popcorn bags, flour and sugar bags, muffin paper, soiled paper plates, paper towels and tissues, paper serviettes, and any non-waxed paper or cardboard that contains food residue (sauce, cheese, etc.). No waxed paper.

Personal care items

Diapers, hair, nail clippings, sanitary products, tampons, incontinence products, tissues.

Pet products

Animal bedding, pet waste, kitty litter, bird seed, pet food, pet fur, feathers and sawdust (wood sources only).

Houseplants and flowers

In small quantities only, no yard waste

  • Blue Boxes are collected every week. There is also no limit to the number of Blue Boxes put out for collection.

What goes in the blue box

No garbage, plastic bags or food shall be put in the blue box. To see if a specific item can be placed in the blue box, use the What Goes Where Tool.

These are some of the items that can go in the blue box.

  • Aerosol cans (empty, lids separate)
  • Aluminum foil, trays and plates
  • Boxboard (cereal, cracker, tissue boxes)
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Clear plastic molded packaging, e.g. used for toys, small electronics, kitchen gadgets (separate paper / cardboard)
  • Egg cartons
  • Glass bottles and jars (lids separate)
  • Metal food and beverage cans
  • Metal paint cans (empty, dry, lids separate)
  • Milk and juice cartons, juice boxes (no straws)
  • Newspaper, household paper and envelopes
  • 100% paper cups (with no plastic or wax coating)
  • Paper-based cans (e.g. frozen juice, cookie dough containers, coffee cans, chip cylinders – lids separate)
  • Plastic bottles, drink containers (no straws), jars and jugs (used for food or beverage)
  • Plastic food tubs (e.g. yogurt, margarine, sour cream, cottage cheese, or ice cream containers)
  • Plastic pails or bottles  less than five litres in size (e.g. laundry soap bottles, dish soap containers)
  • Plastic, rigid, clear fruit and vegetable containers/clamshells
  • Plastic, rigid, clear take-out containers/clamshells (no Styrofoam)
  • Plastic, rigid, clear bakery containers/clamshells

All containers must be empty and clean, free of food or any other residue. Cardboard and boxboard must be flattened and bundled.

  • Garbage is collected every other week. Collection starts at 7 a.m. on each collection day. All items must be at the curb by 7 a.m. and no earlier than 8 p.m. the night before the collection day.

Statutory Holidays

There is no garbage or recycling collection on statutory holidays. During the weeks that there are holidays, the collection days will carry forward one day. For example:

If your normal garbage day is on... Collection will be made on...
Monday Tuesday
Tuesday Wednesday
Wednesday Thursday
Thursday Friday


Collection bins

Purchasing bins

Green bins, blue boxes and kitchen catchers are available for purchase at the Civic Centre for the following prices: 

  • Green Bin: $25
  • Blue Bin: $12
  • Kitchen Catcher: $6

Bins are delivered directly to your address by GFL following purchase.

Replacing damaged recycling bins

Broken green bins and blue boxes can be exchanged for new ones. Town-issued blue boxes and green bins will be replaced. Kitchen catchers are not replaced.

Residents can contact GFL and request a replacement bin be delivered directly to their home. Contact GFL at 1-866-421-5625 to arrange delivery.

Recycle Coach

Recycle Coach App logo

Download the Recycle Coach app
Georgina uses Recycle Coach for all your waste and recycling needs. Never miss another collection! Download the Recycle Coach app and get pick-up reminders and lots more!​
Download Recycle Coach app from the App Store or on Google Play

Reporting an issue with your waste and recycling pick up

To report an issue not related to waste and recycling:

  1. Enter your address into the search bar
  2. Click "Request Service" in the box above
  3. Choose "I want to report a missed pick-up"
  4. Confirm your address and select Submit
  5. Choose which collection was missed

Please note: If you do not put your address in the search bar you will not be able to report the missed pick-up.

Reporting any other issues

To report an issue not related to waste and recycling:

  1. Choose "Request Service" in the box above
  2. Select "I have a different problem" from the list
  3. Enter your name, email and address
  4. Provide details about the issue
  5. Upload a picture of the issue (if applicable)
  6. Click Submit

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.