Collection of solid waste is provided every other week on a day specified by the Town. Green Bin and Blue Box collection are provided every week.
Collectable materials should be at the curb no earlier than 8 p.m. the evening before collection and no later than 7 a.m. on the day of collection.
To learn about your collection dates, refer to the 2025 Waste and Recycling calendar.
Get details on what goes where in the Waste Management Guide from York Region.
Seaweed (duckweed) is considered yard waste (see yard waste collection guidelines below).
Activity books
Recycle Coach created fun activity books to help kids learn the correct way to recycle.
Activity book - ages 3-5
Activity book - ages 6-8
Activity book - ages 9-12
Bag tags
All bags or containers set out for pick up by the waste collector must have a tag prominently displayed. If garbage is set out in a regular garbage container, please have tag secured to top bag inside container, not to the container. There is no limit to the number of green bins or blue boxes that can be placed out for collection. More information is available in our list of frequently asked questions.
Bag tags are available for purchase the Civic Centre and all branches of Georgina Public Library at five tags for $1 0. Large item tags are $12.
Bag tag rules
A maximum of five bags (two without tags, three with tags) are allowed per garbage pickup. Collection times may vary. To ensure collection all materials must be out at the curb before 7 a.m. Note: Previously purchased bag tags remain valid.
Large item tags
A large item tag is needed for large items such as furniture, mattresses, box springs, toilets, appliances and carpeting.
Tags for garbage bags or large items are available for purchase at the Civic Centre and all branches of the Georgina Public Libraries. Each large item will require its own large item orange tag and the maximum of five collectible items during the regular bi-weekly garbage collection schedule includes tagged large items.
Battery Recycling
Georgina Fire and Rescue Services have partnered with Call2Recycle – Battery Recycling – to provide an opportunity for the community to safely drop off used batteries. They can be dropped off at the Keswick and Sutton Fire stations between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Container size rules
Container sizes and weights
Disposable bags, or other waste containers, shall not exceed the size of: 76 cm x 122 cm (30" x 48") for bags. Refuse cans/containers are to be reusable metal or plastic, not blue in colour, no larger than 50 cm (20") in diameter and 90 cm (36") in height and have handles and a detachable lid. All material must be bagged and tied.
As of June 1, 2024, GFL will no longer collect garbage from bins with attached lids for health and safety reasons.
Blue box maximum acceptable size is 50cm (20 inches) in height and 50cm (20 inches) in width or length. Recycling material will not be collected if placed in plastic bags, including but not limited to clear blue recycling bags.
Total weight of each full can, container or bag cannot exceed 50 pounds.
Backyard composting
There are three things to keep in mind for backyard composting:
- Location, location, location
- Needs good water drainage
- Partially shaded spot is best
Composting three-step
- Materials: Always feed your bin with equal amounts of greens and browns and make sure to layer the material.
- Moisture: Keep your pile damp with light watering, as needed. Note that if it's too wet, the materials will become too high in carbon (brown).
- Aerate: Turn your pile frequently.
Finished compost
- If all steps are followed properly, you should have compost in two to three months
- To speed up process, add new materials in tiny pieces, aerate your pile more often and add a layer of garden soil or manure.
- Piles are ready when there is no longer traces of green or brown material.
- The bottom of your pile will show signs of completion before the top.
Compost materials
- Bread (no butter)
- coffee grounds/filters
- egg shells
- fruit scrapes
- house plants
- vegetable scraps
- feathers
- grass (limited amounts)
- hair
- Sawdust
- dryer lint
- grass clippings
- dried grass clippings
- leaves
- woodchips
- straw
- small sticks and twigs
- natural cotton and wool rags
- Barbecue charcoal
- fish
- meats
- dairy products
- bones
- oils
- fats
- diseased or insect-infested plants
- feces
- weeds with mature seeds
Winter composting
Continue to compost as normal as a little snow or sub-zero temperatures doesn’t put an end to the biological process of composting. Save fall leaves or dry grass clippings to use throughout the winter.
Construction demolition waste
Construction and demolition waste and materials can be disposed of at the Georgina Transfer Station. Be advised that disposal fees will be based on the type of material being disposed.
Georgina Transfer Station Household Hazardous Waste Depot
23068 Warden Ave. (Just north of Ravenshoe Road)
Georgina, ON L4P 3E9
Hours of operation
Transfer station
Monday to Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
* Closed on Civic and statutory holidays
Household hazardous waste drop-off
Open Tuesday and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
* Closed on Civic and statutory holidays
Additional resources
Electronics recycling
Wondering what to do with your old electronics?
The Town of Georgina holds regular free Electronics e-waste Recycling Events.
Leave your old electronics with us and we'll recycle them for you, free of charge.
eWaste items
eWaste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their “useful life.”
- computers
- modems
- cables
- keyboards
- printers
- scanners
- electronic games (Nintendo, Xbox, etc.)
- telephones
- cell phones
- answering machines
- pagers
- fax machines
- VCR’s
- DVD players
- radios
- stereos
- cameras
- video cameras
- thermostats
- televisions
Household hazardous waste
Household hazardous waste can be dropped off for free at:
Georgina Transfer Station Household Hazardous Waste Depot
23068 Warden Ave (Just North of Ravenshoe Rd.)
Georgina, ON L4P 3E9
What is household hazardous waste?
Household hazardous waste includes material that is corrosive, explosive, flammable, or poisonous. It is damaging to people and the environment if it gets washed down the drain or thrown in the garbage. It can contaminate drinking water, soil and the air. Whenever possible, try to use non-hazardous alternatives. If you do use a hazardous material try to use it all or give the leftovers to someone who will use it.
Hours of operations
Transfer station
Monday to Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
* Closed on Civic and statutory holidays
Household hazardous waste drop-off
Open Tuesday and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
* Closed on Civic and statutory holidays
Accepted items
Poison including pesticides, chemicals, insect poisons, bleach, cleaning fluids, fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, antifreeze, and pool chemicals.
Flammable including paints, solvents, oils, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, BBQ starter, paint stripper, paint brush cleaner, primer.
Explosive including aerosols, propane cylinders
Corrosive including batteries, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, and disinfectants.
Others fluorescent tubs and energy efficient light bulbs
Leaves, brush and yard waste
Disposing of leaves, brush and yard waste
Yard waste is collected with recycling every second week from April to November. There is no limit on the amount of yard waste that can be placed with collection providing that acceptable label containers are used (yard waste stickers are available at no charge).
Use environmentally friendly Kraft paper bags or regular garbage container. Tree and shrub clippings should be tied with string and bundled. The maximum diameter of the trees and shrub clippings is 60cm (24 inches) and 90cm (36 inches) in length. Tree stumps will not be collected. Bundles or bags shall not exceed 22kg (50lbs) in weight.
Note: the Town does not accept grass clippings, dirt or sod in curbside yard waste collection.
For more information, view the Waste and Recycling Calendar, download the free Recycle Coach App on your mobile phone or tablet, or call Customer Service at 905-476-4301.
Textile diversion program
The Town partnered with Diabetes Canada in 2021 for a textile diversion program to help support waste diversion. Residents can bring unwanted textiles (adult/children’s clothing, footwear, undergarments, towels, pillows and curtains) to the textile donation bins located at –
- Ice Palace (southwest corner), 90 Wexford Dr.
- Civic Centre (near T-ball diamonds)
- Sutton Arena (northeast corner)
White goods and metals
What are White Goods
White Goods are refrigerators, stoves, washers and dryers, hot water tanks, dishwashers, BBQ, lawn mower, air conditioners and similar appliances.
Disposing of White Goods
When recycling any of the above-mentioned items, you can take them to the York Region Transfer Station on Warden Avenue just north of Ravenshoe Road or, contact Green for Life Environmental Corp (GFL) at 1-866-421-5625 to arrange for collection.
Each item (maximum of five/week) requires a garbage tag prominently displayed. Refrigerator Doors must be removed. Pickup days may vary depending on holidays. Items must be at the curb by 7 AM on the day of collection.
There are a number of individuals who will pick up white goods and scrap metal in the community. Check local community groups for more information.