Improving stormwater run-off to protect Lake Simcoe
The Town of Georgina and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) are collaborating on a pilot project that seeks to improve the quality of stormwater run-off entering Lake Simcoe.
Georgina has installed 14 catch-basin inserts at selected strategic locations along Lake Drive East in Jackson’s Point. These catch-basin inserts are designed to filter trash, debris and sediment from stormwater run-off, reducing pollutants that would otherwise be discharged into watercourses. Preventing organic matter and sediment from entering waterways helps reduce nitrogen and phosphorous levels in receiving water bodies such as Lake Simcoe.
The catch-basin inserts that have been installed under this pilot project are Enviropod LittaTraps™”. They include a removable internal basket and screen filter. The Town and the LSRCA will jointly monitor the performance of the new LittaTraps™ to evaluate cost-benefit effectiveness for potential wide-spread, long-term use. The monitoring program includes monthly collection, measurement and analysis of materials and sediment captured in each of the LittaTraps™. To provide a basis for comparison, regular measurements of sediment accumulation will be recorded at nearby catch-basins that are not equipped with catch-basin filters.
This one-year pilot program has been funded by the LSRCA. The results are expected to provide valuable information to both the Town and the LSRCA. Reducing pollutants, phosphorus and nitrogen in water bodies is an important part of protecting the Lake Simcoe watershed.
Photos and videos
Leaves and waste collecting around a stormwater catch basin

Photo showing the LittaTrap™ product:

LittaTrap™ installation on Nov. 6, 2023:
Minotaur Stormwater Services installing a LittaTrap™ unit on Lake Drive East in Jacksons Point

LittaTrap™ unit and mesh basket

Public Engagement
Town contact
Adam LaCroix
Project Manager, Capital Delivery
Maggie Cui
Junior Project Manager, Capital Delivery
Minotaur Stormwater Services Ltd.
All 14 LittaTrap™ units were installed on Nov. 6, 2023. The monitoring program will carry through to late summer of 2024, with the potential to extend into fall of 2024.
Important Links
More information
Similar pilot projects were completed in the City of Barrie and City of Hamilton, with great success.
Frequently asked questions
Why were the LittaTrapTM units installed in Jackson’s Point?
The catch basin traps were installed along Lake Drive East from Riley Avenue to Hedge Road where pedestrian traffic is higher and the existing storm water system outlets into the waterways with little mechanism for preventing waste or litter from being intercepted.
What is the timing for catch basin trap installs/construction activities?
All 14 Enviropod LittaTrapTM units were installed in early November of 2023 and will remain in place permanently. The one-year monitoring program will include monthly waste collection and sediment measurements at all fourteen locations, as well as fourteen additional locations that are not equipped with a trap, for comparative analysis.
Are there more catch basin traps expected to be installed in the Town of Georgina?
Upon completion of the monitoring program, the Town and LSRCA will collectively study the effectiveness of the catch basin traps. The purpose of this pilot project is to obtain valuable data that can be used when considering future programs that would help prevent pollutants from entering the waterways, resulting in a healthier Lake Simcoe.