Water and wastewater projects
The Town of Georgina manages the operation, maintenance and repair of the Keswick and Sutton Water Distribution System. This includes water mains, valves, hydrants, water pumping stations and lateral connections. These systems service the residents and businesses within Georgina. The water and wastewater projects include the improvement and maintenance of these systems.
View a map of all current and upcoming infrastructure projects.
Current projects
In addition to the major projects listed on the Building Georgina web page, the water and wastewater projects team is working on other improvement projects around the Town.
Check out the construction map to see upcoming and current projects.
Polybutylene water service line replacements – Area 4
The Town of Georgina operates and maintains the Keswick and Sutton water distribution systems. Some water service connections in these areas, installed in the 1980s using polybutylene, have reached the end of their service life and are beginning to fail. When these pipes fail, costly emergency repairs are required to restore water service.
To prevent leaks and service disruptions, the Town has been proactively replacing these aging connections with new copper lines. Replacements have already been completed in two areas of Keswick, with a third area planned for 2025.
The next phase of this project focuses on Area 4, which includes Elm Avenue, Pineway Avenue, Parkway Avenue and Pine Beach Drive.
Project updates
Current status
- The engineering design phase began in 2024.
- The project includes replacing 92 polybutylene water service connections with copper lines.
- In September 2024, Chisholm Fleming & Associates was awarded the engineering contract.
- The project kick-off meeting took place on Oct. 8, 2024.
- Background review, site investigations and preliminary design are complete.
- The communications plan and detailed design are in progress and nearing completion.
Next steps
- Finalize and roll out the communication plan, including letters to residents, on-street signage and social media updates.
- Begin the competitive procurement process for the construction phase.
Project timeline
- September 2024 - Project engineer retained
- October 2024 - January 2025 - Field investigations and preliminary design
- March 2025 - Detailed design completed
- April 2025 - Tendering and contract award
- June 2025 - Construction begins
- August 2025 - Construction completed
Public engagement
The Town will provide project updates through:
- The Town website
- On-street signage
- Social media posts
- Letters and notices to affected residents
Contact information
Town of Georgina
Kobi Karunakaran
Junior Project Manager
905-476-4301 ext. 2906
Sofia Kolesnikov
Project Manager, Chisholm Fleming & Associates
Frequently asked questions
Why is my water service connection being replaced?
Polybutylene water service connections have reached the end of their service life and are failing. The Town is replacing these connections to maintain a reliable water supply for residents.
When will the project be completed?
Construction is expected to begin in June 2025 and be completed by August 2025.
Will construction impact local traffic?
Temporary lane closures and traffic disruptions may occur. Two-way traffic and pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
Will my water service be interrupted?
There may be brief, temporary water service disruptions while new pipes are connected. Advance notice will be provided.
Will my driveway access be affected?
In some cases, driveway access may be temporarily impacted. The Town will provide advance notice of any disruptions.
York Region water and wastewater projects
There are some projects led by York Region in Georgina. For more information or general inquiries regarding these projects, see the York Region website.