Road projects include projects related to roads and related infrastructure. This includes improvements to sidewalks, streetlights, ditches and culverts, bridges and roads.
Current projects
Check out our construction map to see what projects are upcoming.
Pollock Road construction
Pollock Road Shoulder Reconstruction
Pollock Road between Warden Avenue and Woodbine Avenue is heavily used by traffic entering and leaving Keswick. The asphalt in a section approximately 270 metres in length has shown signs of deterioration due to an inadequate slope and shoulder configuration.
The engineering design to stabilize the road’s shoulders and protect the integrity of this stretch of roadway was completed in April 2024.
Construction began at the end of September 2024 and was completed in mid-November 2024, significantly enhancing roadway safety for travelers.
Completed construction
Before construction
Town contact
Patryk Frankiewicz
Paul LaPalme, P.Eng.
Chisholm, Fleming and Associates
Letter to residents - Aug. 9, 2023
Notice of construction - Sept. 13, 2024
York Region projects
These are projects led by York Region. For more information or general inquries regarding these projects, see the York Region website.
Frequently asked questions
What different types of road construction are there?
Resurfacing – Replacement of the paved surface in the travelled portion of the road.
Reconstruction – Replacement of the asphalt surface and structural pavement surrounding the road.
Who do I contact with a question about the project?
Contact the Town at 905-476-4301 ext. 3001 or
Who do I contact if there is an issue with the project and my property?
Contact the Town at 905-476-4301 ext. 3001 or
What if there is a road project I don’t see on this list?
Visit to ensure that the project is not located on a regional road.
If the project is not a regional road and is not on this list, contact Service Georgina at 905-476-4301 ext. 3001 or