Motorized vehicles in Georgina’s parks and trails
Know where you can and cannot ride.
Off-road vehicles on Town of Georgina highways
The Town conducted a pilot project to permit the use of off-road vehicles on Town roads within the Waterfront Park Buffer Zone and the Ward 5 catchment area, during the winter months, for the purposes of getting to Lake Simcoe for ice fishing.

Did you know:
- Motorized vehicles, including snowmobiles, dirt bikes and ATVs are prohibited within Town of Georgina parks and trails.
- Damage to Town trails and parkland by motorized vehicles impacts public safety/enjoyment and increases the cost of maintenance and repairs.
- Dirt bikes are not permitted on Town roads, Regional roads, and other Town property such as parks and trails.
Have fun, be safe
Off-road vehicle riding is a great outdoor activity many people participate in throughout the year. This sport can be fun and exciting, but is also extremely dangerous. It's important to protect yourself while on an off-road vehicle to prevent accidents and injury.
While some people prefer to hibernate all winter, snowmobilers can't wait to get out and have some fun. Here are a few tips to keep you safe during the winter season. Protect yourself while on a snowmobile.
Find a club close to you
Snowmobile clubs
Motorized vehicle bylaws and regulations
If you have a question about regulations and/or bylaws regarding motorized vehicle use in the Town of Georgina, contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Division at 905-476-4301, ext. 3006, or by email or contact York Regional Police at 1-866-876-5423.