Wildlife such as coyotes, raccoons, skunks and foxes are common in Georgina and York Region. These animals can be found in forests, trails and parks, and may even be seen in neighbourhoods. Nature is often closer than you think.
Animal Services will address general wildlife complaints within the Town, provided that the injured wildlife is located on Town-owned property. Residents should contact private wildlife companies to deal with healthy wildlife causing a nuisance on private property.
Local wildlife organizations may also be able to assist and provide direction on how to handle a wildlife situation. Find the list of wildlife rehab organizations in Ontario.
Avian flu
The Town of Georgina, like many other municipalities in York Region and Ontario, is receiving reports of birds that have either died or are infected with presumed avian influenza (H5N1), also known as Avian or bird flu. Following the advice of Public Health Agency Canada, residents are reminded to not touch dead wild birds or other wildlife.
York Region Public Health reminds residents to –
- Keep a distance from wild birds and other wild animals, and don't touch, feed or handle them, especially if they look sick or are dead
- Report any animals, specifically geese or birds, found ill or dead to Service Georgina at 905-476-4301 or by email at info@georgina.ca. In Aurora, deceased or ill birds can be reported to animalservices@aurora.ca 1-877-979-PAWS (7297).
- Consider removing backyard bird feeders and/or bird baths. If not, take the following precautions including moving them far away from pets and cleaning them with 10 per cent bleach at least once every two weeks. They should be placed as far away as possible from where domestic animals spend time
- Avoid contact with surfaces that appear to be contaminated with droppings from birds
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after touching any bird feeders, bird baths or any potentially contaminated areas
- Keep cats indoors and dogs on a leash to limit the potential of your pet encountering an infected bird
- Stay off all bodies of water as ice and water conditions are not safe; do not attempt to rescue birds in distress
The Town will continue to monitor the situation, in conjunction with York Region.
Bear sightings
Every year, bear sightings are reported in Georgina. Bears generally want to avoid humans, most encounters are not aggressive and attacks are rare. However, if you feel a bear poses an immediate threat to your personal safety or the safety of others, call 911 or local police.
When bears are caught off guard, they are stressed, and usually just want to flee.
Stop. Do not panic. Remain calm.
Emergency situations
Call 911 or your local police if a bear poses an immediate threat to personal safety and exhibits threatening or aggressive behaviour, such as:
- Enters a school yard when school is in session
- Stalks people and lingers at the site
- Enters or tries to enter a residence
- Wanders into a public gathering
- Kills livestock/pets and lingers at the site
Police will respond first to an emergency situation but may request assistance from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry during daylight hours.
Non-emergency encounters
Call the toll-free Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327 (TTY 705-945-7641 ) if a bear:
- Roams around or checks garbage cans
- Breaks into a shed where garbage or food is stored
- Is in a tree
- Pulls down a bird feeder or knocks over a barbecue
- Moves through a backyard or field but does not linger
This line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from April 1 to Nov. 30.
Tips for pet owners:
- Do not leave pet food outdoors, in screened-in areas or porches
- Leash your dog(s) when walking through communities or out in bear country to reduce the potential of dogs harassing a black bear or of being attacked by one
- Unleashed dogs may instigate a chase response that may lead the bear back to you
- Check your yards for the presence of a black bear before letting your dogs out
To learn more about bear safety, visit ontario.ca.
Coyotes are usually wary of people and avoid contact whenever possible. It is unusual for coyotes to show no fear of humans. Coyotes displaying no fear of humans or exhibiting aggressive behaviours have likely gotten used to people through direct or indirect feeding.
The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is responsible for wildlife management in the province of Ontario. It has extensive information about coyotes, including a number of useful fact sheets in the Living with Coyotes section of its website.
The MNR asks residents who have observed situations where coyotes are exhibiting no fear toward people, or are aggressively approaching people or pets, to report any incidents to their Aurora District Office at 905-713-7400. Leave a message at that line or use the auto attendant to speak directly with staff during regular business hours.
If there is an incident with a coyote that is a threat to public safety, call 9-1-1 and alert York Regional Police.
Raccoons are common all over Ontario in forests and towns and cities. They can adapt to live in many habitats. The annual life cycle of raccoons consists of a breeding period during late winter and early spring, a growth period during summer and fall, and a winter denning period.
In urban areas, raccoons can cause significant damage to roofs, garages, gardens and lawns. When searching for food, raccoons can spill garbage and break compost bins.
Wild animals have basic needs – food, water and shelter. Sometimes, humans and wild creatures come into conflict when animals are trying to meet their basic needs.
Canine Distemper in raccoons
Canine Distemper (CDV) is a virus that is generally always present in the raccoon population but at low levels.
Raccoons with distemper may approach people or curl up to sleep in open areas in close proximity to people. They generally act disoriented or lethargic but can become aggressive if cornered.
Canine Distemper does not pose a threat to human health. Dogs who have not been vaccinated for distemper can become infected if they come in contact with a raccoon with distemper.
If residents notice a raccoon displaying abnormal or aggressive behaviour, call Access Aurora at 905-727-1375. In the event of an emergency after hours, follow the phone prompts provided.
What is Canine Distemper?
Canine Distemper is a viral disease affecting animals in the canine families, in addition to some other mammals. It affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Raccoons, dogs and skunks can be infected. The disease is most often fatal and animals that recover may display permanent neurological damage.
Can humans catch Canine Distemper?
No. Humans cannot get Canine Distemper.
Can my dog catch Canine Distemper?
Yes. If your dog has not been vaccinated against distemper and comes into contact with a raccoon with distemper. Most dogs are vaccinated as puppies and then have regular boosters. Puppies that have not been vaccinated are at particularly high risk. Keep your dog on a leash and check your backyard before letting your dog out.
What are the symptoms of a raccoon with distemper?
Raccoons with distemper may move slowly or stumble as they walk. They lose their fear of humans, appear blind and confused. They also may wander aimlessly and become aggressive if cornered. A mucus discharge will often be present around the eyes and nose and may be accompanied by coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, seizures or chewing fits. They may only exhibit some of these symptoms and otherwise appear quite healthy.
Turtles are on the move any time from April to October, although the busiest time for them is May and June. June is turtle egg laying season. Both males and females travel, and both are equally vulnerable to road mortality.
Turtle nests make easy targets for natural predators as eggs act as food for a great many wild species. Turtle nest protection frames have been installed by the Town of Georgina at Young’s Harbour Park and the trail off Glendower Crescent.
The protection structures protect the turtle nests from predators.
Some things residents should know about turtle nest protectors:
- All of Ontario’s eight native turtle species are considered Species at Risk, due to the many human-related threats.
- Both male and female turtle’s travel. Females often leave their home wetland in June and travel up to a kilometre away to lay their eggs. Females dig a hole, deposit the eggs and cover them up.
- Turtles do not care for the eggs and hatchlings must find their own way to water. Turtle eggs are food for many species and less than one per cent make it. It takes approximately 59 years for a snapping turtle to replace itself in the population, since they mature so late and so few eggs survive.
- Turtle nest protectors increase the survival rate of the eggs and hatchlings by keeping predators out.
- Nest protectors are made with a wood frame covered with narrow-gauge mesh (a.k.a. carpenter’s cloth). Exits are cut into the wooden frame big enough for the turtles to leave once hatched.
- The temperature of egg incubation affects the sex of most Ontario turtles. It’s important the nest protector doesn’t shade the site with heavy fabric.
- Don’t dig up, disturb or interfere with a nest. Be patient if there aren’t signs of hatching. Sometimes baby turtles hatch and remain in the nest over the winter to emerge in the spring.
For more information, visit the Canadian Wildlife Federation.
What you can do
- Never feed raccoons or wildlife.
- Pick fruit as soon as it ripens.
- Keep barbecues clean and covered when not in use.
- Secure garbage in durable plastic containers with locking lids.
- Store garbage indoors until collection day.
- Keep garage doors closed and secure.
- Keep compost in containers that keep raccoons out while allowing for ventilation.
- Block off potential access points to your attic, garage and other buildings.
- Secure the perimeter of decks, sheds and crawl spaces.
- Keep indoor pet food and any other food away from a pet door and secure the pet door at night.
- Install a chimney cap.
- Trim branches near buildings to prevent easy access.
- Use flashing lights, motion sensors to deter raccoons and wildlife.
- Supervise your pets when they are outside. Keep your pets safely on a leash.
- Make sure your dogs and cats have up-to-date rabies vaccinations. You are required by law to vaccinate all cats, dogs, and ferrets over the age of three months.
- Do not feed or handle wildlife.
- Never transport or relocate wildlife.
If you require any wildlife removed from your home, contact and hire a local wildlife removal expert.
More information
Feeding wildlife: do's and don'ts (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry)
For wildlife rabies surveillance and control zones, visit ontario.ca/rabies.