
The Town of Georgina has several historic pioneer cemeteries that offer a glimpse into the Town’s early settlers and local history. Some date back to the 1800s and are the final resting places of Georgina’s founding families.

The Town is committed to caring for these cemeteries and keeping them in good condition. This page provides information about each pioneer cemetery, including locations and photos. Updates on maintenance and improvement projects will be posted here.

Mann Cemetery

Location: 166 The Queensway N., Georgina

Mann Cemetery, also known as the Christian Church Burial Grounds or the Sprague Family Burial Grounds, served as a general burial ground for residents of the Township between 1826 – 1929. The names in this cemetery represent many of the earliest settlers and founding families of Georgina.

In 2024, the Town undertook important improvements in the cemetery including removing overgrown vegetation, resetting 30 leaning or fallen monuments and markers, and building a new seating area, entrance archway, and parking spaces.

Full transcription of monuments in Mann Cemetery


Cemeterydamaged tombstone and repaired tombstoneTombstone repairsTombstone repairsCemetery after repairsDamaged tombstone and repaired

Johnston Cemetery 

Location: 160 Baldwin Rd., Pefferlaw

A small cemetery in Pefferlaw, Johnston Cemetery is a designated heritage property located beside the Pefferlaw Fire Hall. The Town purchased this historic property in 2022. Robert Johnston and his brother William Johnston founded Pefferlaw in the 1820’s, and several members of the family are buried at the cemetery. The existing iron fence and gate are of historic value and are highlights of this cemetery.

Full transcription of monuments in Johnston Cemetery.


Fenced in Cemetery

Sheppard Cemetery

Location: No address available. Located on the south side of Boyer Road between The Queensway North and Woodbine Avenue.

Sheppard Cemetery is a small burial ground linked to early farming families. This site is surrounded by trees and farmland. It holds the graves of early residents who helped build the community. Many of the headstones have family names that are still common in the area today.

Full transcription of monuments in Sheppard Cemetery



Metal gate covered in flowers and a tombstone on the ground

Baldwin Cemetery

Location: 160 Baldwin Rd., Baldwin

Located along the banks of the Black River, Baldwin Cemetery dates back to the late 1800’s. It is an important link to Georgina’s agricultural and pioneer history.

More information on Baldwin Cemetery


CemeteryOld tombstone

Maintenance and improvements

The Town is committed to maintaining and preserving these cemeteries. Updates on landscaping, signage and restoration work will be posted here.

If you have historical information or photos related to these cemeteries, the Town welcomes community contributions. For questions or to report concerns, contact Service Georgina at 905-476-4301, ext. 3001.

Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan

The Town has developed a Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan to guide the care and preservation of these historic sites. The plan outlines maintenance strategies, restoration priorities and long-term improvements to ensure these cemeteries remain a respectful tribute to the town’s early settlers.

To learn more, view the full Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.