The Town of Georgina is responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the Keswick and Sutton Water Distribution System and Wastewater Collection System. This encompasses water mains, valves, hydrants, sewage pumping stations, water booster stations and sewer laterals, along with water service connections that serve the residents and businesses within Georgina.
You can learn more about municipal water services, private water systems, public water taps and drinking water reports.
If you're a developer, contractor or consultant, you can find more information on the requirements and documentation necessary for making future changes, modifications or replacements to the drinking water system.
Sewer maintenance and flushing
For more information about sewer maintenance and flushing, visit the Sanitary Sewers page.
Water frequently asked questions
Where does the Town of Georgina’s water come from?
The Regional Municipality of York supplies the Town of Georgina’s water and its source is from Lake Simcoe.
For further information on the Town of Georgina’s water supply and water quality, visit
The Regional Municipality of York
Environmental Services
17250 Yonge St., Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1
1-877-464-9675, ext. 73000
I would like to submit a request to identify locates on my property
Contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 or submit your request through the Ontario One call portal at They will submit a work order to all utilities for your request.
I would like to book an appointment to have my water turned off/on
To book an appointment to have your water turned off/on, contact Service Georgina at 905-476-4301. Water turn off/on can be scheduled during regular business hours from Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments must be booked 48 hours in advance and residents must be home during the appointment (age 18 or over required). Residents must call back to have the water turned back on. If the water is to be turned back on within the same business day, there will be no additional charge.
Once an appointment has been made, a Water Operator will visit the property to turn the water supply off/on from the curb stop, located outside of the house on the lawn or driveway.
Effective April 1, 2024, as per Bylaw 2024-0005, there is a fee for having your water turned off/on.
Regular business hours 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Water off: $128
- Water on: $128
Outside regular business hours 3 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
- Water off: $257
- Water on: $257
I would like to have my water turned off
To book an appointment to have your water turned off, contact Service Georgina at 905-476-4301. Appointments must be booked 48 hours in advance and residents must be home during the appointment (age 18 or over required). Residents must call back to have the water turned back on. In the event the water is to be turned back on within the same business day, there will be no additional charge.
Effective April 1, 2024, as per Bylaw 2024-0005, there is a fee for having your water turned off/on.
Regular business hours 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Water off: $128
- Water on: $128
Outside regular business hours 3 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
- Water off: $257
- Water on: $257
I would like to have my water turned on
To book an appointment to have your water turned on, contact Service Georgina at 905-476-4301. Appointments must be booked 48 hours in advance and residents must be home during the appointment (age 18 or over required).
Effective April 1, 2024, as per Bylaw 2024-0005, there is a fee for having your water turned off/on.
Regular business hours 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Water off: $128
- Water on: $128
Outside regular business hours 3 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
- Water off: $257
- Water on: $257
The valve on my lawn/driveway is broken
Contact Service Georgina at 905-476-4301. A service request will be submitted and an attendant will be out to inspect. If necessary, locates will be ordered and the repair will be scheduled with the contractor.
The lawn around the water valve is saturated
Contact Service Georgina at 905-476-4301. A service request will be submitted and an attendant will be out to inspect. If necessary, locates will be ordered and the repair will be scheduled with the contractor.
I have no water, what can I do?
There could be a number of reasons for low water pressure. Before you call, check the following:
- Is it happening in the entire house or just one floor or room? If it is just in one room or floor, it would be a blockage or issue within the home and you should call a plumber.
- Check internal shut off to ensure it is in the open position.
- Check all filters and the water softener as this issue could mean they may need to be replaced.
- Call Service Georgina and they will create a public service request ticket for someone to come and assess.
I have low water pressure, what can I do?
There could be a number of reasons for low water pressure. Before you call, check the following:
- Is it happening with one fixture? If so, remove the faucet aerator (located at the tip of the faucet) and rinse the screen. To clean these, soak the aerator or showerhead in a bowl filled with vinegar until the deposits are gone. If showerheads or aerators do not come clean, replace them to increase water flow. Using a water-saving showerhead can increase flow but save on water usage when installed correctly.
- If you have a water softener, put it on bypass and see if you receive your full water pressure back. If so, this is an indication the water softener filter needs to be replaced or the softener needs maintenance. Search your softener make and model online to see where the bypass button is and what maintenance is required. Please note, even if your softener is not on or being used, water will still go through unless it is on bypass.
- If you have low pressure at all of your taps, ensure nothing is turned on (such as a hose).
- Call Service Georgina at 905-476-4301 and they will create a public service request ticket.
Why is there is an odour/taste to my water?
Water odour can be caused by lake turnover in spring and fall. The warmer water travels to the bottom of the lake or from bottom to the top. These changes can cause some residents to notice a musty or earthy smell during this time. The water is safe to drink and it will pass in a few days. Water softeners and filtration systems can also cause a smell/taste issue.
Is it from the cold or hot water?
- If it is just hot, it generally indicates a problem with the water heater. First, try to flush your hot water tank.
- Another common problem is the sacrificial water heater anode will often wear away. If it is worn away, there can be an increase water odour in the water tank and you should call a plumber.
- Odour issues may be caused by the drain itself. Run some water down the drain to fill the P-trap. This ensures the odour is not coming back up the drain as if the P-trap is not full, the odour will permeate throughout the room.
- Call Service Georgina at 905-476-4301 and they will create a public service request ticket.
Is it from the cold or hot water?
- If it is just hot, it generally indicates a problem with the water heater. First, try to flush your hot water tank.
- Another common problem is the sacrificial water heater anode will often wear away. If it is worn away, there can be an increase water odour in the water tank and you should call a plumber.
- Odour issues may be caused by the drain itself. Run some water down the drain to fill the P-trap. This ensures the odour is not coming back up the drain as if the P-trap is not full, the odour will permeate throughout the room.
- Call Service Georgina at 905-476-4301 and they will create a public service request ticket.
I have discoloured water, what should I do?
You will need to know if the discolouration is in the hot water or cold water.
The toilet is a good place to check if it is also in cold water as no hot water runs to the toilet.
If discoloured hot water, you will need to call a plumber to flush your hot water tank.
If it is in the toilet water or cold water as well, call Service Georgina and we will create a service request ticket.
I have cloudy water, what should I do?
Cloudy water is caused by dissolved air. Gases are more soluble at low temperatures. As the lake water is treated and distributed, and the temperature rises in the water, the air becomes insoluble and tiny bubbles of air are mixed with water as it gets delivered to the customers. Let the water stand still and the small air bubbles will slowly rise and dissipate. It is not harmful.
What should I do if my water pipe is frozen?
Property owners are responsible for contacting a licensed plumber to determine if the service line is frozen on the public or private side.
It would be in the best interest of all parties if the plumber advises the Town when the service is frozen on the public side, as the Town maintains a record of service calls to residences and commercial properties with frozen water lines for future reference and works with these customers to proactively manage this issue. If you are a tenant, your landlord must contact the Town about issues with your water service.
The majority of calls received for frozen water pipes and water meters are a result of inadequate heating and cold air drafts where piping is located in the home. If you have a history of pipes freezing, you can leave a cold-water tap running at a steady stream of about 6 mm or 1/4 inch minimum (depending on the temperature and length of cold snap) when outside temperatures are below freezing.
- Do not run a water tap continuously unless the Town has requested that you do so. Only those who are requested to run their tap by the Town will be compensated for this increased use. Customers running taps to prevent frozen indoor plumbing will be responsible for resulting water use charges
- Open kitchen, bathroom and laundry cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing.
- If piping is located next to exterior walls, leave the cupboard doors under your kitchen and bathroom sinks open.
- Shut off and drain pipes leading to outside faucets.
- Wrap foam pipe insulation around pipes most susceptible to freezing (e.g. near outside walls, crawl spaces, attics). Insulate all exposed outside water pipes with specially designed foam pipe covers available at building supply or home improvement stores.
- Seal air leaks in your home and garage, especially in areas where pipes are located.
- If you will be away, have someone check your home and taps regularly. Keep garage doors closed and monitor the temperature inside the garage if there are water supply lines located in this area.
- Commercial water customers need to prepare for cold nights as well. Protect water pipes by wrapping all lines exposed to cold temperatures.