Municipal Performance Measurement Program

In 2000, the Province of Ontario introduced the Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP). This program requires all municipalities to collect data, measure and report their performance in the following nine core areas: garbage, sewage, water, transportation, fire, police, land use planning, local government and social services. The purpose of this program is to enhance the accountability to the local taxpayer on the cost of providing these services and also to act as a service improvement tool.

Municipal Performance Measurement Program Archive


The results for the Town of Georgina for each of the indicators (if applicable) for 2001 are included in the following report:

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.