Queensway South and Golfview Watermain Renewal


The Town of Georgina is undertaking two separate watermain replacements. The first project is along Queensway South (Joe Dales Drive to Miami Drive) of which approximately 815m of cast iron watermain is being replaced to ensure reliable water service. Installed between 1984 and 1986, the aging watermain is nearing the end of its service life and has experienced multiple emergency repairs since 2015, resulting in significant disruptions. 

The second project is located on Golfview Crescent from Wood River Bend to the dead end of Golfview Cresent with the aim of replacing the aged cast iron watermain. 

These projects aim to upgrade the infrastructure to meet modern service standards, prevent future disruptions, and ensure water pressure requirements are fulfilled. Construction will be coordinated with York Region’s resurfacing project on the Queensway to minimize disruptions.

Project updates


February 2025

Current status

  • Golfview Cresent watermain replacement was added onto the work for the consultant
  • Background historical information gathered by the consultant
  • Surveying the area and gathering information about underground utilities is complete (Only Queensway)
  • Geotechnical drilling (studying the ground) is complete (only the Queensway)

Next steps

  • Field investigations for Golfview Cresent are planned to start and will include:
    • Surveying
    • Identification and clearance of all underground utilities
    • Geotechnical drilling investigations
  • Consultant will present the preliminary drawings for the Town to review

October 2024

The engineering design stage of the Queensway Watermain replacement project begun in October 2024. The following briefly describes key aspects of the project:


  • The objectives of the project include:
    • Replacement of existing watermain
    • Assess existing water valve chambers to determine rehabilitation needs
  • In September 2024, EXP Services was awarded the engineering assignment for the project.
  • The main elements of the design phase of the engineering assignment include: investigations, preliminary design, detailed design and tendering.

Current status

  • Design contract awarded to consultant
  • Initial kickoff meeting

Next steps

  • Background information review
  • Field investigations are planned to start and will include:
    • Surveying
    • Identification and clearance of all underground utilities
    • Geotechnical drilling investigations

Public engagement

Town contact

Patryk Frankiewicz, P.Eng
Senior Project Manager
Phone: 905-476-4301, ext. 2308


EXP Services
Steve Pauls


Frequently asked questions

Why is the watermain being replaced?

The existing cast iron watermain is at the end of its service life and has experienced frequent failures.

Will access to my driveway be impacted?

Driveway access may be temporarily closed for a short period of time. The Town and/or contractor will be in communication with residents to minimize impacts to residents.

Will my water service be interrupted?

There may be temporary disruptions. Affected residents will be notified in advance.

Will there be traffic detours?

Yes, traffic will be rerouted to minimize disruptions. Check the disruptions and closures for updates.

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.