Developed over three years between 2020 – 2023, the Waterfront Parks Master Plan (WPMP) provides a framework for decision making for waterfront parks and road ends across 52 kilometres of shoreline on Lake Simcoe. The WPMP establishes a cohesive vision for waterfront parks and provides direction for Council and staff on future operations, management and investment at these public spaces.
This master planning exercise examined the Town’s waterfront parks and road ends and identified the most impactful improvements over the short term (2024 – 2030), medium term (2030+) and longer term. Community engagement was an integral part of this process.
Next steps
On May 29, 2024, Council received the final Waterfront Parks Master Plan and endorsed it in principle. Staff were directed to report back through the annual budget deliberation process to activate priority capital improvements outlined in the master plan starting in 2025. Council also approved a recommendation for staff to bring the design for Willow Beach forward to the 2025 budget for Council’s consideration and for staff to consider the feasibility of advancing the park portion of Young’s Harbour earlier than what is suggested in the implementation plan.
Public engagement
Part 1 public engagement
Previous online survey
An online survey was provided from Jan. 5, 2021 to Feb. 16, 2021, to receive feedback regarding the emerging concepts that were presented at the November 2020 virtual meetings. 1,555 people participated in the survey and the results have been summarized in What we Heard Report #3.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in the online survey.
Previous virtual meetings
The Planning Partnership organized a series of virtual meetings to discuss each park zone.
You can view and listen to each meeting below.
Oct. 15, 2020 - Recordings of meetings
Holmes Point Park
Mossington Wharf and the Black River to Sutton
Jackson's Point Harbour Marina, Malone Wharf and Bonnie Park
Willow Beach Park
Oct. 14, 2020 - Recordings of meetings
Willow Beach Park
Franklin Beach Conservation Area
De La Salle Beach Park
Jackson’s Point Harbour Marina, Malone Wharf and Bonnie Park
To provide comments or ask questions, email waterfrontplan@georgina.ca.
Jackson’s Point Harbour slip holders’ virtual meeting – Aug. 27, 2020
Council reports and presentations
March 31, 2021 - Council report
March 31, 2021 - Council presentation
Jan. 22, 2020 - Council report
Dec. 2, 2019 - Request for Proposal
Virtual consultation:
Slideshow presentation from Sept. 8, 2021 virtual presentation
Afternoon meeting recording
Evening meeting recording
Study areas
Parts 1 and 2 of the study detail the current analysis, trends, recent development growth and current economic conditions while showing creativity and innovation with long-term financial and environmental sustainability. The report includes enhanced opportunities and strategies for the management and operation of the waterfront parks. Concept designs are provided for the possible expansion of park facilities in these key areas:
Part 1
- Willow Beach Park
- Franklin Beach Conservation Area
- De La Salle Beach Park
- Jackson’s Point Harbour Marina
- Malone Wharf
- Bonnie Park
- Holmes Point Park
- Mossington Wharf
- Black River
Part 2
- Adeline Park
- Leash Free Dog Park Area (West Park)
- Young’s Harbour Park
- Claredon Beach Park
- Rayners Wharf
- North Gwillimbury Park
- Maskinonge River
- Shoreline from Park Road to Thorah Park Boulevard
- Pefferlaw River
Part 3
Part 3 will provide recommendations on the following:
- Future economic development opportunities
- Developing business opportunities and partnerships
- Sustainable management
- Operational practices
- Parking by-law and strategy
- Legislative, policy and by-law updates
- A 10-year implementation strategy
Access to the waterfront within the Town of Georgina is a key issue to residents and visitors. A Waterfront Parks Master Plan provides valuable information and data analysis for Town-owned waterfront assets including all wharves, piers, beaches, parks, road ends, shorelines, road allowances, mouths of rivers and wetlands adjacent to the waterfront.
Council reports
May 29, 2024 - Council report
July 12, 2023 - Council report
May 17, 2023 - Council report
March 31, 2021 - Council report
Jan. 22, 2020 - Council report
May 29, 2024 - Final council presentation
July 12, 2023 - Council presentation
May 17, 2023 - Council presentation
Nov. 29, 2022 session presentations - Area 1
Nov. 29, 2022 session presentations - Area 2
Nov. 29, 2022 session presentations - Area 3
Nov. 29, 2022 session presentations - Area 4
March 31, 2021 - Council presentation
Slideshow presentation from Sept. 8, 2021 virtual meeting
What we heard reports
Frequently asked questions
Why are we doing a Waterfront Parks Master Plan?
- There is a need for a sustainable waterfront strategy and action plan to manage the waterfront and address park overcrowding, vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and other infrastructure requirements.
- The Town of Georgina Leisure Services Master Plan 2004 identified access to waterfront areas as a key issue of importance to the residents of Georgina. The report indicates 40 per cent of the population felt “waterfront parks are not meeting their needs and identified such factors as overcrowded beaches, poor access and lack of parking. There are also varying opinion on the balance between serving local residents and the seasonal populations."
- The 2014 Recreation Facility Needs Study identified the importance of Lake Simcoe to the Town of Georgina and the need to enhance and manage this important asset and recommended a Waterfront Parkland Strategy be done.
- Check out the advertorial.
What waterfront areas will be included in the study?
All waterfront lands along the entire Town of Georgina shoreline have been included in the study. This includes wharves, piers, beaches, parks, road ends, shorelines, road allowances, mouths of rivers and wetlands, including Town-owned and privately owned properties. There is a focus on the following key locations, including conceptual designs:
- Willow Beach Park
- Franklin Beach Conservation Area
- De La Salle Beach Park
- Jackson’s Point Harbour Marina
- Malone Wharf
- Bonnie Park
- Holmes Point Park
- Mossington Wharf
- Black River from the lake to High Street
- Adeline Park
- Leash Free Dog Park Area (West Park)
- Young’s Harbour Park
- Claredon Beach Park
- Rayners Wharf
- North Gwillimbury Park
- Maskinonge River from the lake to Woodbine Avenue
- Shoreline from Park Road to Thorah Park Boulevard
- Pefferlaw River from the lake to the dam
Why is the Town doing another study for the Jackson’s Point Harbour?
- The Waterfront Parks Master Plan builds on the earlier work completed on the Jackson’s Point Harbour, and looks at it in the context of the entire Town of Georgina waterfront and Lake Simcoe catchment area.
- The study explores enhancements to the marina to become an economic and tourism destination for residents and visitors to the Town.
- Remove: A review and assessment e conducted of the marina’s business potential based on a market scan of other public, private and public/private marina facilities and operations.
What is the timing and process of the study?
- The Waterfront Parks Master Plan has been divided into three parts. Each part was scheduled to take one year to complete. The final study report was endorsed in principle by Council on May 29, 2024.
- Each part of the study included extensive public input sessions.
- Each completed part of the study was presented to Council for approval.
Who will be completing the study?
- The study was overseen by the Town of Georgina Parks Division, with input from many other Town departments.
- Contact the Town project manager for more information:
- Bob Ferguson, Manager of Parks Development and Operations, bferguson@georgina.ca
- The Town has retained the services of the Planning Partnership (TPP) to act as the lead consultant for the study. TPP is a firm of skilled planning and design professionals.
- TPP was supported by a sub-consulting team which includes:
- PLAN B Natural Heritage, environmental consulting
- Baird, coastal engineering
- TOURISTICS, tourism management consulting
- SCS Consulting Group, municipal engineering