• May 03

    Shoreline hazard watch

    The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority advises that the water levels in Lake Simcoe continue to be higher than average for this time of year. These higher than average water levels are posing a risk of flooding along the Lake Simcoe shoreline.  

    Lake Simcoe Water Level

    The water level in Lake Simcoe remains high at 219.20 metres (measured on May 2, 2024). Currently, the lake level is approximately 11 centimetres higher than average for this time of year.

  • Apr 26

    Shoreline hazard watch

    The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority advises that the water levels in Lake Simcoe continue to be higher than average for this time of year. These higher than average water levels are posing a risk of flooding along the Lake Simcoe shoreline.  

    Lake Simcoe water level

    The water level in Lake Simcoe appears to have peaked and the lake level appears to have stabilized at 219.18 metres (measured on April 26, 2024).  Currently, the lake level is approximately 9 centimetres higher than average for this time of year.

  • Apr 25

    Georgina receives prestigious budget award

    The Town of Georgina has received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its 2024 Budget. The Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program recognizes municipalities that prepare their budget documents at the highest quality reflecting both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA's best practices. 

  • Apr 22

    Shoreline hazard watch

    The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority advises that the water levels in Lake Simcoe continue to be higher than average for this time of year. These higher than average water levels are posing a risk of flooding along the Lake Simcoe shoreline.  

    Lake Simcoe Water Level

    The water level in Lake Simcoe appears to have peaked and the lake level appears to have stabilized at 219.20 metres (measured on April 22, 2024).  Currently, the lake level is approximately 12 centimetres higher than average for this time of year.

  • Apr 19

    Watershed conditions - water safety

    The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority advises that the water levels in Lake Simcoe continue to be higher than average for this time of year. These higher than average water levels are posing a risk of flooding along the Lake Simcoe shoreline.  

    The above average water levels in Lake Simcoe are expected to remain high in response to the precipitation and inflows from rivers and streams within the system. 

  • Apr 17

    Be flood safe – tips and reminders

    The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority advises that water levels in Lake Simcoe are higher than average for this time of year. The forecast rainfall, combined with recent rainfall and higher than average water levels, are posing a risk of flooding along the Lake Simcoe shoreline. 

    Here are some reminders on staying flood safe:

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.