Development Design Criteria

The Development Design Criteria Development Design Criteria outlines technical standards for new developments in Georgina. It ensures that development construction projects meet the Town’s requirements for infrastructure, roads, and utilities, supporting safe and sustainable growth.

The material contained within the document is intended as a manual for the production of all land development projects within the Town of Georgina.

In addition to the Town's Development Design Criteria, designers can also reference the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications and Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings (OPSS and OPSD).

All new sewer infrastructure is also required to comply with York Region Inflow and Infiltration Standard for Sewers Servicing New Development that can be found in Inflow and Infiltration Standards.

The designer shall also consider all other agency requirements, including but not limited to the following:

Requests for more information

Town infrastructure information, including as-built drawings can be provided through a Freedom of Information request.
To request information or files regarding Infrastructure and GIS contact
The Town’s drinking water system is modelled using Infowater and the sanitary sewage system is modelled using Infoworks ICM SE. For copies of the models the applicant is required to reach out to the Development Engineering division, to make this request. 

Note that the Town does not guarantee that any of the documents, drawings or plans provided to be accurate and will not be held liable should any of this information be inaccurate. 

Development Design Criteria Project Update 


The objective of this project is to ensure the documents remain relevant and effective in addressing current needs, technologies and regulatory requirements. Over time, urban growth, environmental concerns, new materials, construction techniques, and evolving standards in sustainability and safety can make existing criteria outdated. Updating the criteria ensures that new developments and capital projects meet modern safety standards, improve infrastructure resilience, enhance environmental sustainability and reflect best practices. It also helps to streamline processes for stakeholders by providing clear, up-to-date expectations, and ensuring infrastructure meets the long-term needs of the community.

Project updates

  1. Project kickoff: On April 9, 2024, a project kick-off meeting was held with stakeholders to review the project scope, stakeholder requirements and proposed timelines.
  2. Vision Workshop: On June 5, 2024, workshop No. 1 was held with stakeholders to outline the vision, schedule and proposed sequence.
  3. Gap Analysis Workshop: On Sept. 18, 2024, workshop No. 2 was held with stakeholders to review the completed gap analysis report which assessed the difference between the current state and the desired future state of Development Design Criteria.
  4. Alternatives and Recommendations Workshop: On Dec. 18, 2024, workshop No. 3 is scheduled with stakeholders to review the completed alternative and recommendations report which assessed the difference between the current state and the desired future state of Development Design Criteria.
  5. Draft Development Design Criteria Workshop: On April 9, 2025, workshop No. 4 is scheduled with stakeholders to review the draft development design criteria manual and drawings documents.
  6. Final Draft Development Design Criteria Workshop: In Q2 2025, workshop No. 5 will be scheduled with stakeholders to review the reconciliation of all comments and to present a finalized draft of the documents for stakeholder approval in advance of Council’s consideration.
  7. Presentation to Council: In Q3 2025, a presentation and accompanying report to Council will be scheduled to review the proposed documents and to recommend endorsement before final publication and release.


Council Reports/Briefing Notes

Frequently asked questions

Have a question that is not answered below? Reach out to the Town contact.

What is the purpose of the Development Design Criteria Review project?

The purpose of this project is to update the Town's Development Design Criteria to reflect changes in legislation, design standards and construction practices. This will ensure future developments and construction projects comply with the latest standards, policies and best practices, resulting in clear and user-friendly guidelines for municipal infrastructure design and construction.

Who was awarded the contract for the Development Design Criteria Review, and how was the selection made?

GEI Consultants Incorporated (formerly GM BluePlan Engineering Ltd.) was awarded the contract on April 9, 2024. The selection followed a rigorous procurement process that included a Request for Proposal, evaluations and interviews. GEI Consultants was the only respondent to meet the minimum technical and financial criteria.

What are the key milestones of the Development Design Criteria Review project?

The key milestones include the project kickoff (April 2024), a Vision Workshop (June 2024), a Gap Analysis Workshop (September 2024), an Alternatives and Recommendations Workshop (scheduled for December 2024), a Draft Criteria Workshop (April 2025), a Final Draft Workshop (Q2 2025) and a presentation to Council in Q3 2025 to recommend endorsement before final publication and release.

How will stakeholders be involved in the Development Design Criteria Review project?

Stakeholders, including Town staff, external agencies and the development industry, will be engaged throughout the project via multiple workshops. These include reviewing the project's vision, assessing gap analyses and providing input on draft criteria. The final criteria will also be reviewed and reconciled based on stakeholder feedback, and finally a report will be brought before Council recommending endorsement in advance of publication.

Where can the public access information and updates about the Development Design Criteria Review project?

As the project progresses, materials and updates will be posted on the Town’s website on this page. The public will have the opportunity to review and provide comments on the draft documents once they are available.

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.