Planning Public Notices

If you would like to be notified of Council’s decision and/or future meetings fill out the Request to be Notified form.

If you would like to speak to Council at a public meeting regarding a development application fill out the Request to Speak form.

Select the document to view the associated planning public notices and for more information about public meetings and meeting dates.
For optimal viewing of the following files, please save the PDF document onto your computer and then open the file with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Posting Date Planning Public Notices File Number Meeting date
Notice of Complete Applications - 183 Simcoe Avenue 02.204 and 03.1176
Notice of Complete Application - 30944 Hwy 48 02.205 and 03.1177
Notice of Second Public Meeting - 27, 33 and 43 The Queensway South 03.1157
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting - 9 Sina Street 02.203
Notice of Council Meeting - 01.148 - 5659 Black River Road 01.148
Notice of Second Public Meeting - 03.1170 - 27909 Highway 48 03.1170
2023 COA Meeting Schedule
Countryside Zoning Bylaw 03.05BT and 02.202
Notice of 2nd Public Meeting - 24082 Woodbine Avenue and 4 Riverglen Drive - Plan of Subdivision, Condominium Exemption and Zoning Bylaw Amendment 01.149 / 01.164 / 03.1132
Proposed Keswick Secondary Plan (February 2023) 02.195
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting - 01.162 and 03.1174 - 23349 Woodbine Avenue 01.162 and 03.1174
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting - 03.1173 - 36 Victoria Rd 03.1173

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.